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Min Suk Leea,b, Dong Hyun Leea, Jin Jeona,b
2019년 12월 16일1분 분량
Biofabrication and application of decellularized bone extracellular matrix for effective bone regene
Academic Journal Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Volume 83, 25 March 2020, Pages 323-332 Impact Factor : 4.978...
조회수 25회
댓글 0개
Jin Jeon1, Min Suk Lee1 and Hee Seok Yang1,2*
2018년 2월 23일3분 분량
Differentiated osteoblasts derived decellularized extracellular matrix topromote osteogenic differe
Abstract The extracellular matrix (ECM) can directly or indirectly influence on regulation of cell functions such as cell adhesion,...
조회수 6회
댓글 0개
Hee Seok Yang
2014년 4월 5일2분 분량
Nanopatterned muscle cell patches for enhanced myogenesis anddystrophin expression in a mouse model
Nanopatterned muscle cell patches for enhanced myogenesis and dystrophin expression in a mouse model of muscular dystrophy Academic...
조회수 5회
댓글 0개
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