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Wan-Gun La,‡a Jinah Jang,‡b Byoung Soo Kim
2016년 1월 13일1분 분량
Systemically replicated organic and inorganic bony microenvironment for new bone formation generated
Abstract Here, bone demineralized and decellularized extracellular matrix (bdECM) was coated on the surface of the 3D printed...
조회수 4회
댓글 0개
Y.M. Shin, W.G. La, M.S. Lee, H.S. Yang*
2015년 8월 26일1분 분량
Extracellular matrix-inspired BMP-2 delivery biodegradable fibrous particle for bone tissue engineer
Abstract Growth factors have been used to regenerate specific tissue structures by stimulating proliferation and migration of target...
조회수 6회
댓글 0개
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