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Jong Seung Lee, Yoonhee Jin, Hyun-Ji Park
2017년 12월 28일1분 분량
In Situ Bone Tissue Engineering With an Endogenous Stem Cell Mobilizer and Osteoinductive Nanofibrou
Abstract Classical bone tissue engineering involves the use of culture-expanded cells and scaffolds to produce tissue constructs for...
조회수 7회
댓글 0개
Min Sung Kim1,6, Byungjun Lee1,6, HongNamKim1
2017년 3월 23일1분 분량
3D tissue formation by stacking detachable cell sheets formed on nanofiber mesh
Abstract We present a novel approach for assembling 3D tissue by layer-by-layer stacking of cell sheets formed on aligned nanofiber...
조회수 6회
댓글 0개
Wan-Gun La,‡a Jinah Jang,‡b Byoung Soo Kim
2016년 1월 13일1분 분량
Systemically replicated organic and inorganic bony microenvironment for new bone formation generated
Abstract Here, bone demineralized and decellularized extracellular matrix (bdECM) was coated on the surface of the 3D printed...
조회수 4회
댓글 0개
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